Celina United Methodist Church
Friday, March 28, 2025
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
Operation Christmas Child![]() One of our ministry goals here at Celina United Methodist Church is to do more in 2017 when it comes to Operation Christmas Child. In 2014, we sent over 100 shoe-boxes with desperately needed items for children in need. In 2015 we sent over 225 boxes, and in 2016 we sent over 330 boxes!! We have a goal in 2017 of sending 500 boxes, so we are going to need your help with this incredible ministry! With this in mind our Operation Christmas Child Coordinator, Wendie Spintzyck, is leading and organizing us as we collect specific types of items for every month. Keep an eye out for announcements each week in our Sunday bulletins for which items will be collected on each month.
New for 2017, we are going to include handwritten notes in each of the boxes we send. We believe that it is important for whoever receives the boxes to know they are loved not only by the people of Celina United Methodist Church, but also - and most importantly - by God. If you want to help in this way, just write a short note and sign it. Then, you are invited to send your notes to the following address:
Celina United Methodist Church
Attn: Operation Christmas Child
PO Box 664
Celina, TN 38551
Examples of Items we are collecting are:
Something to wear: gloves/mittens, hats & scarfs, pajamas, flip-flops, underwear, or socks
For girls - dresses, blouses, T-Shirts
For boys - pull-string shorts, T-Shirts
Hygiene Items: Comb, hair brush, bar soap (no liquid soaps), toothbrush, wash cloth, small towel, hair accessories for girls
Toys: *Note - no items related to war or weapons please - Small balls (bouncy, tennis, small Nerf balls), small stuffed animals, small baby dolls, Matchbox cars and trucks, small games, play jewelry, jump ropes, sunglasses, stickers and craft items
School Supplies: pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, ink pens, crayons, colored pencil sets, small rulers, scissors, or small notebooks
Something to eat/drink with: small reusable plastic cup or bowl, small water bottle, reusable plastic or metal spoons and forks (no knives please)
Other Items: small purse or bag, small backpack, sewing kit, tools (i.e. small hammer, screw driver, tape measure), wooden or plastic cooking spoons
Also, an important change communicated to us by the Operation Christmas Child organization is that because of issues at customs in the different countries receiving boxes, we can no longer include candy of any kind or toothpaste in the boxes. Expiration dates and customs rules regarding the importation of food items from other countries have made this change necessary. Thank you!
Collections can be deposited in shoe boxes that are provided in the Narthex, Activity Center, or Church Office of Celina United Methodist Church. If you have any questions please contact the church office at 931-243-3739.
For more information on the Operation Christmas Child organization, you can view their web-page by clicking Here.